O'Neill, a widely followed market strategist, is best known for coining the term BRICs more than a decade ago to describe the growing emergence of the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. 奥尼尔是一位拥趸众多的市场策略师,他最出名的就是在10多年前创造了“金砖四国”(BRIC)一词,用来描述巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国经济的兴起。
The early morning announcement suggests that China needs to step up its efforts to liberalise the A shares ( Shanghai) market, in particular, increasing foreign participation, said Bernard Aw, market strategist at IG Markets in a note. IGMarkets的市场策略师伯纳德奥在一份记录中称:早间的生命表明,中国需要为(上海的)A股市场自由化做出更多努力,特别是增加外国的参与。
The negative take for the bond market is that China reduced its overall Treasury holdings, but they have increased their exposure to US interest rates by buying longer term Treasuries, said David Ader, strategist at CERT Capital. 债券市场的负面看法是,中国减少了美国国债的持有总量,但他们通过购买较长期的美国国债,增加了自己对美国利率的敞口,CERTCapital策略师戴维阿德表示。
Tuesday's market move is important because, unlike the10000 level, 11000 hasn't often been crossed in the past, says Jeffrey Kleintop, chief market strategist at brokerage firm LPL Financial. 经纪公司LPLFinancial的首席市场策略师克兰托普(JeffreyKleintop)认为,周二的市场动向将具有重要意义,因为与10000点不同,11000点关口以往并不经常被突破。
It's a lot of supply in a market that won't have a large Fed purchase, said John Briggs, market strategist at RBS Securities. 市场有许多供给将不需要美联储大量购买,约翰布里格斯说,苏格兰皇家证券市场战略家。
"It used to be possible to be a global brand by dominating the US market," said Melanie McShane, a strategist at Wolff Olins. 沃尔夫奥林斯的策略师梅勒妮麦柯肖恩(melaniemcshane)表示:“在过去,通过主导美国市场来确立全球品牌的地位是有可能的”。
"The S& P comment was a positive for the market because investors were relieved to think that the subprime problem may be behind us," said Al Goldman, chief market strategist at A. “标准普尔的评论对市场来说是非常积极的,因为投资者会宽慰地认为次级债问题可能已经过去了,”A。
The government has been urging people to buy stocks, which gives people a sense of a put on the market, says David Cui, strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. 政府一直在敦促人们买股票,这给人们一个市场有(官方)托盘的感觉,美银美林(BofAML)股票策略师崔伟(DavidCui)表示。
The writer is chief market strategist at Bank of America 本文作者为美国银行(bankofamerica)首席市场策略师
"This is a positive sign for the gold market," said James steel, precious metals strategist at HSBC in New York. “这对于黄金市场是一个积极的信号,”汇丰(hsbc)在纽约的贵金属策略师詹姆斯斯蒂尔(jamessteel)表示。
The current system has caused market inefficiency as investors flock to IPO subscriptions to benefit from the valuation gap between primary and secondary markets, HSBC equity strategist Steven Sun wrote in a recent report. 汇丰股票分析师孙瑜(StevenSun)在最近一份报告中写道,当前制度造成市场效率低下,使投资者踊跃认购新股,以期从(一级市场和二级市场之间的)估值差距中获利。
Retail investors and insurance companies are driving redemptions for open-ended funds since the [ 9 per cent] market drop on February 27, said Steven Sun, Asia equity strategist at HSBC. 汇丰银行(HSBC)亚洲股票策略师StevenSun表示:自2月27日股市下跌9%以来,散户和保险公司正在推动开放式基金的赎回。
The writer is chief market strategist, global wealth& investment management, Bank of America. 本文作者是美国银行(boa)全球财富与投资管理部门首席市场策略师。
Art Hogan is chief market strategist at the global investing house Jefferies and Company. 杰佛里投资公司的首席市场策略师霍根就持有这种观点。
Jonathan Garner is a managing director and chief Asian and emerging market strategist at Morgan Stanley 本文作者是摩根士丹利董事总经理兼亚洲和新兴市场首席策略师
In the US, Stuart Schweitzer, global market strategist at JPMorgan's private bank, says: The issue in the market has long been, do you always get the best execution? 在美国,JP摩根(JPMorgan)私人银行的全球市场策略师斯图尔特施维茨(StuartSchweitzer)表示:长期以来,市场的问题一直是,你是否总是会得到最佳执行?
"It has been a great year for the emerging markets after the collapse of many of these markets at the end of 2008," said Nigel Rendell, senior emerging market strategist at RBC capital markets. “在许多新兴市场于2008年底崩盘之后,这是新兴市场表现出色的一年,”rbc资本市场新兴市场高级策略师奈杰尔伦德尔(nigelrendell)说。
Joseph Quinlan is chief market strategist at us trust private wealth management, Bank of America 本文作者是美国银行(bankofamerica)美国信托私人财富管理(ustrustprivatewealthmanagement)首席市场策略师
The data will tend to keep the market positive on risk, said Alan Ruskin, chief international strategist at RBS Global Banking and Markets. 这些数据将令市场积极看待风险,苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)环球银行及资本市场部首席国际策略师阿兰鲁斯金(AlanRuskin)说。
David Morrison, market strategist at GFT, says: We have put so much emphasis on Chinese growth and this bizarre notion that this will pull the rest of the world up with it, that when cracks begin to show traders start to worry. GFT的市场策略师戴维莫里森(DavidMorrison)表示:我们把太大的希望,寄托在中国增长和中国将会拉动世界这一怪诞说法上,以至于一旦出现裂纹,交易员们就开始担心。
The rollercoaster ride in the first two days of trading tells you just how speculative the market is, said Jerry Lou, chief China equity strategist at Morgan Stanley. 前两个交易日过山车般的走势,表明了这个市场的投机色彩是多么浓厚,摩根士丹利首席中国股市策略师娄刚(JerryLou)说。
When you are no longer the head of monetary policy, 80 per cent of its market relevance has gone, said David Ader, a strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital. 当你不再是货币政策负责人时,就失去了80%的市场关联度,RBSGreenwichCapital策略师戴维•阿德(DavidAder)表示。
The negative feedback loop between states and their banking sectors has re-emerged and is having a seismic impact on the broader market, said Gavan Nolan, credit strategist at Markit. 各国政府和其银行部门之间的负反馈循环回路重新出现,并波及到更广泛的市场,Markit的信贷策略师加万诺兰(GavanNolan)说。